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Mary's Japan Blog
Thursday, 7 April 2005
Happy Birthday, Buddha
On this day numerous Buddhist temples throughout Japan celebrate the birthday of Shakyamuni Buddha with a ?baptism ceremony? called kambutsue. A statue of the infant Buddha, traditionally depicted with one hand raised towards heaven and the other pointing to earth, is doused with sweet tea poured from tiny ladles. The tea is made from hydrangea leaves, which are steamed and dried before being made into the brew. As it is considered good for both spiritual and mental health, the tea is given to worshippers to take home. During the kambutsue ceremony, a miniature, unwalled temple usually covers the infant statue. Decorated with flowers, it is called the hanamidera, or flower temple. I love this service and miss participating in it back in my temple in Spokane. Happy birthday, Buddha. Omedeto gozaimasu.

?The cause of death is birth.?
Zen Shin Talks, Sensei Ogui

Posted by maryinjapan at 11:54 PM
Updated: Tuesday, 12 April 2005 11:43 PM
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