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Mary's Japan Blog
Tuesday, 26 April 2005
Shoulder saga cont.
Mood:  lyrical
Celebration time:
The doctor has given me “permission” to ride my bike again. yahoo, yippee, hooray. I wore out a pair of tennis shoes walking all over this town.
* I can now get my ponytail in the center of my head.
* I braided my hair and put it up for the first time since my accident this morning although it was painful to do so.
* I can shave under my left armpit.
* I can wash my hair with both hands now.
* I can sleep laying on my side now.
* I can wash my right foot with my left hand.

Yet to come:
* Scratching and scrubbing my right shoulder would be so nice.
* Reaching above my head to get something heavy out of the closet.
* Hooking my bra behind my back.
* No more pain.

I’m still going to physical therapy twice a week and doing my strength training and stretching everyday. Boy, this gets mighty depressing but my hope is that i will get full motion back and that keeps me going. Small gains are still measurable and also keep me motivated. The thought of never being able to scratch my right shoulder also keeps me working hard.

Posted by maryinjapan at 11:52 PM
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