Mood: surprised
Yesterday our wonderfully enthusiastic, creative, boisterous art teacher brought in another one of his artworks. I?m pretty sure that he uses them for inspiration and models for his art students. He always makes sure to show them to me. He is a talented sculpture. We have a giant set of bare feet in wooden sandals in our hallway for example. He also brought in an electronic but detailed hand that sensed movement and wiggled its fingers and looked like it was playing a piano ? so funny. I have seen drawings, watercolors, sketches and more. This time he surprised me. The piece was a bust of his wife ? nude! Oh, my, i wonder what would happen if a junior high art teacher brought in a bronze nude bust of his wife! Sad to say that we in the U.S. are so paranoid that people would probably think that he was a child molester. How sad that an art teacher in the states is so restricted because of our prudish ideas of sex.
Art can express beauty. It takes many forms and the human body is truly beautiful. I hope that we in the U.S. can one day look upon the human body with appreciation and drop the embarrassment and shame, which is a remnant of our puritanical past.
Posted by maryinjapan
at 11:04 AM
Updated: Thursday, 16 June 2005 12:27 AM