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Mary's Japan Blog
Thursday, 19 February 2004
Mood:  quizzical
I'm always game to try new things so at the bakery this weekend I hardly hesitated to spend 350 yen (over 3 dollars) on four slices of green - really green - bread. It's called mugwort bread. It tastes rather "weedy" but pleasant. I researched it on the internet and found out that it's probably called black sage. Nice, but I probably won't spend that much money on it again.

More exciting is the discovery of these little tiny oranges at the supermarket. They are about an inch in diameter. They were cut up and a salesman encouraged me to pop the whole thing (rind and all) in my mouth - no hesitation again! Wow, they are delicious. I've been told that they are Chinese quince but when I looked on the internet the quince that I saw were more like apples than oranges. If anyone knows what little bitty tasty oranges are called, I'd love to hear what they are in English. Unfortunately they cost about 500 yen for 8 of them. That's about 60 cents a bite! yikes. AH, HA, THEY ARE KUMQUATS AND I NEED TO PLANT A TREE WHEN I RETURN TO THE STATES!

Posted by maryinjapan at 10:36 PM
Updated: Monday, 1 March 2004 11:19 PM
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