Now Playing: Mother Nature Doing Her Thing
It is an eery feeling coming to school and seeing no kids on the street or on the school grounds. The sky is clear with a scattering of light clouds, warm and sunny. It's 8:30am and there's been a typhoon warning so all the kids are waiting at home by their tv sets. We are waiting to see if the warning is lifted by 10am. If it is - then the kids will come for the afternoon session. If it isn't - then the typhoon is coming and i guess the teachers stay here to help out in case of emergency. I have a pair of shorts to ride home in because if the rains come i'll be drenched no matter what and my philosophy is - why fight it? If i could i'd ride naked! hahaha. So we are just waiting when all of a sudden the building starts shaking violently. It feels as if a giant has our building in his hands and is trying to shake us out. I just realized the difference in the earthquakes here. In the ones in California there was always a loud rumble and i always thought it was a bomb dropping or some kind of explosion. Here it is silent. The shaking isn't bad enough to knock anything off shelves, but it's distressing to everyone here. The Hanshin/Awaji earthquake is still fresh in people's minds and it would be no fun to go through a disaster like that again. So we wait and see what Mother Nature brings to us today.
Posted by maryinjapan
at 12:42 PM