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Mary's Japan Blog
Tuesday, 12 October 2004
My new apartment in the mountains
Mood:  celebratory
Howdy and yipppeeee

I have the keys in my pocket to my new, tiny apartment in the mountains.
It's only $300/month plus utilities. My bus and train transportation is about $300/month. This should be reimbursed to me every month so the cost to me should be minimal. yahoo.
It's only a 10 minute walk to school.
It's in a really quiet, beautiful neighborhood.
I am so very happy and relieved.

Now begins the task of fixing up another nest. There is absolutely nothing in it but an airconditioner/heater on the wall, a one burner stove, and a bathroom.
No bed, no chair, no table, pots, pans, cups, dishes .....but i can improvise and use a lot of extra stuff from my apartment down here.
Luckily, my favorite English teacher has volunteered to drive up any bulky items. The rest I'll drag up a piece at a time in my backpack.

You can't believe how elated i am.

Feels like i will be returning to the land of the living.

Hope all is well in your world.

peace and love and vote in November.

Posted by maryinjapan at 11:40 PM
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