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Mary's Japan Blog
Sunday, 31 October 2004
Halloween in Japan
Mood:  bright
Kaleigh is such a great addition to our ALT (assistant language teacher) staff. Her parents are from WSU, and they are both ALT's here. They brought their daughter, Kaleigh, to Japan with them, and she is attending the 4th grade in a public elementary school here.
The Halloween party on Saturday night was a smashing success. Kaleigh invited some of her Japanese girlfriends. We had about a dozen enthusiastic 8-12 year old girls in some amazing costumes. Most costumes were made from plain plastic garbage bags transformed into some really colorful outfits. Kaleigh was Hermione from the "Harry Potter" movies. We had a Cinderella and a bat and a few other very creative costumes. I did feel a twinge of home sickness when they came knocking at my door all yelling "Trick or Treat." I do miss passing out candy to the kids in my neighborhood in Spokane. What a great experience for these girls who had never been trick or treating.

John and i also taught a two-hour class on Halloween Saturday afternoon at a Community Center. We had about 30 enthusiastic Japanese adults all singing songs. They actually had to say "Trick or Treat" to "earn" their candy treats at the break. What fun. I will teach this same group of folks how to make a pumpkin pie next weekend. Maybe i'll be the next Julia Child! hahaha.

Posted by maryinjapan at 1:44 PM
Updated: Sunday, 31 October 2004 9:04 PM
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