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Mary's Japan Blog
Friday, 4 February 2005
A trip to the Emergency Room
Mood:  accident prone
Five days in Bali drinking nothing but bottled water and i get bacterial food poisoning on my second day back in Japan! I flew back Wed. morning and went up to Yamaguchi so i would be ready and raring to go to school on Thursday morning. Much to my surprise i awoke at 4am on Thursday morning to violent vomiting and diarrhea. I thought that it would be over by the time school began at 8:30am. Wrong. I was doubled over and reeling in my first class. I couldn't stand up for more than 5 minutes at a time. The school nurse took me to the hospital when i registered a high temperature. A few anti-biotics and some "stopper-uppers" and i'm almost as good as new. Thank goodness for modern medicine. It is so apparent to me now how so many kids and old folks die of dysentery. In a matter of a few hours i was dehydrated, high ketone levels and running a temp that could have been fatal in one more fragile than i.

The doctor says that it was probably something i ate in Japan, but it does make me want to help third world countries get safe water systems in. It is so important to good health.

A side note:
Emergency room charge 2,110 yen (less than $21) Medication: 1,010 yen (less than $10)

Posted by maryinjapan at 12:42 AM
Updated: Friday, 4 February 2005 12:44 AM
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