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Mary's Japan Blog
Monday, 14 February 2005
Hospital Blues
Mood:  smelly
Oh my good goodness, i'm type "A" blood type! The Japanese equate blood type with personality type. Hah.

News Update. I will be presented with a bill today. I was a tad bit nervous about having to pay cash for this operation. Must i stay here forever and scrub toilets to pay off the debt? I was told that I would be responsible for 30% of the total bill but 30% of what? What a relief when I got the estimate yesterday. My total bill for a 2.5-hour surgery with two attending surgeons and one week's stay in the hospital, all x-rays, tests, pills... is ?120,000. That's about $1,000. I wonder what a similar surgery would set me back in the states. By the way, since I am sharing a room with four other women, my room is free.

Mon. Feb 14th
We are living in a historical period in which we understand that it is necessary for all of us to be conscious and active in our world. None of us can ignore this call to action. And yet, if we do not practice zazen, whether we call it zazen or whatever we call it and however we do it, we cannot act in any accurate way. There has been plenty of action--too much action. What we need is not more action, we need enlightened action. And this means letting go of action.

Hospital Potty Humor

Easily offended? Skip this entry kusasai.

Japanese heated toilet seats probably will never make my "Must Have List" but I have to admit that a pleasant stream of warm water on my bottom after a dump is so refreshing, tee hee.

Posted by maryinjapan at 1:24 PM
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Wednesday, 9 March 2005 - 4:40 PM

Name: Carol Hayes

Was sorry to read about your accident. Hope you are home now and feeling much better. Wow! You are brave to have surgery over there but I guess there was not much else you could have done. I had a couple of pulled muscles and had to go to the doc and had a little therapy. I just remember the doc smoking the whole time he was talking to me through Hiroko or Sakurai. Also got lyrningitis and picked up a bug in Thailand and had to go to another doc down by Ebesu. He spoke some English. All in all I felt that I got good care. Just dispensed a little differently. However, I did keep my Group Health here and payed a lot just in case I got sick over there. I wanted to be able to come home to get treatment if I could have. It certainly was interesting reading about the hospital stay. Hope all is going well and you are on the mend.

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