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Mary's Japan Blog
Tuesday, 9 December 2003
Table Tennis
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Oh, I'm happy, oh so happy.
My bicycle odometer rolled over 800 miles today!
I am so enjoying my new school. The kids are so enthusiastic. I've already committed two faux pas (sic?) this week. First, during lunch, the kids were asking me lots of questions and I automatically stuck my chopsticks in my rice when I turned around to answer a question. I HAD BEEN WARNED TO NEVER EVER STICK MY CHOPSTICKS IN MY RICE. oops. I was corrected immediately. What I didn't know is that it's a tradition to put a bowl of rice with chopsticks sticking out of it in front of your home shrine when someone has died. sumimasen! Next mistake was walking into class sucking on a throat lozenge. Again, I know that candy is not allowed in school but my throat was sore and I forgot to get rid of the thing when I walked into class. I was immediately noticed by the students. again....sumimasen. These kids are very observant. They don't let anything pass them by. I've been amazed when someone noticed something small that I was wearing or the color of some earrings that I wore the day before. Seems that they really are aware of details. I know that this is a generalization but in general....
I had a free period this morning and some of the 3rd grade girls asked me to play table tennis with them in P.E. today.

Posted by maryinjapan at 12:30 AM
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