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Mary's Japan Blog
Thursday, 18 December 2003
Post Office Story
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Ain't it amazing?
Here's a great little story to illustrate some of the dramatic differences between our two cultures. I got a phone call at 7pm at night last evening from the post office. Q: "Did you purchase a money order from the post office two weeks ago?" A: "Why, yes, I did." (nervous pause, oh no, did I do something wrong?) More questions about the money order....very vague and I just don't understand what he's getting at but he wants to know if I'll be home this evening for a visit. (Oh, my dear, have I done something really wrong?) Then finally, "Well, we over charged you 500 yen and we need to return the money to you tonight." (That's about $5 and a sigh of relief from me, whew, I didn't do something dumb for a change!) Me: "Oh, that's ok. Just forget it."
He: "Oh, no, we must return your money. We are so sorry for our mistake." Me: "Oh, please just donate it to some worthy cause." He: "Oh, no, we can not possibly do that. Will you be home this evening so that I can deliver it to you?" Me: "Please just put it in an envelope and mail it to me." He: "Oh, no, it is illegal to send coins through the mail. Please, I can be there in 20 minutes.) Me: giving in - "Well, ok."

Twenty minutes later my doorbell rings. It is the little Japanese postman right across the street. (I am very surprised because I thought that I had bought the money order downtown and was expecting someone to drive up in a taxi. He just walked across the street!) He: "Sumimasen. So sorry for the inconvenience. Here is your 500 yen and a little plastic fire hydrant piggy bank as a gift. Oh, and by the way, will you sign this form that you have received your refund?" Me: "Why, of course." He: "Oh, and by the way, on this form here that you filled out when you purchased your money order you stated that you needed this money to pay bills in the U.S. I am so sorry, but that is not an acceptable reason. Could you please write a more specific reason for your needing this money?" Me: (Oh, my gosh, am I really in Japan? This is so weird.) "Why, of course, I own a house and have to make my house payment." He: "Ah so, desu ne." I give him a little Christmas gift of mikan (tangarines) and some cookies and after a lot of bowing we complete this incredible exchange. He encourages me to use his post office again in the future. Welcome to a little part of Japan.

Posted by maryinjapan at 1:07 PM
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