I'm up early this morning for temple services at 7:30am. I really needed this today. I feel very fortunate to be able to talk to Rev. Toyohara after services about teen suicide in Japan. There are no easy answers. My heart is heavy. I came back home and ran for an hour along the river. This is the first time I've ever seen a whole flock of white cranes all "grazing" in the sunshine in the river on a cold winter day. I hope that it is a good omen. I am so grateful to be running in clear, crisp, cold air all the way to the ocean. It recharges me.
I'm not through posting my running photos but the page is here to see a bit of my usual route.... My running route
We had a great dinner this evening at Bora Bora, Mr. Sasaki's favorite steak house in Nishinomiya. I met him, his wife and two boys (12 and 11 years old). Mr. Sasaki's mother and mother-in-law also came. Mr. and Mrs. Osawa met us too so it was quite a group. This is the same place that we came for my going-away party from Hamakoushien Jr. High. This was a very nice end to the day. Now there's only a few days till I'm off to San Francisco.
So ya wanna see some photos of my wonderful apartment? Just click here.... Mary's apartment photos
Posted by maryinjapan
at 4:42 PM
Updated: Tuesday, 23 December 2003 7:49 PM