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Mary's Japan Blog
Wednesday, 2 June 2004
Kobu Judo
Mood:  surprised
Wow, this is the first judo practice that i've ever watched. I decided to wander into the gym this afternoon to watch the kids "play" judo. Actually, it looked more like "work" to me. The warm-up exercises started out easy enough. I did a few stretches and bends with them at first, but then the tumbling began. No way was i going to do somersaults and rolls. Pretty soon they were walking across the mats on their hands and shimmying across the floor dragging themselves by their feet and wrists. Oh, my gosh,i'm getting tired just writing about it. I never tire of watching these kids excel in their athleticism. Many may not take their English studies too seriously, but they sure make up for their lack of enthusiasm in the gym. These kids are strong, agile and confident. What a contrast to our "couch potato" clan back home. I realize that we have fine young athletes in the states, but here it's the norm rather than the exception. There are lots of kids walking around with taped ankles, wrists and arms. There are even casts and crutches in school almost all the time. These kids take risks and push themselves. I think that kids in the U.S. would be much happier if we weren't trying to protect them from themselves all the time. Actually, i think even the adults would be happier if we stretched ourselves a little bit and didn't worry so much about being "safe" all the time. Ah, well.

Posted by maryinjapan at 12:10 AM
Updated: Friday, 4 June 2004 7:48 PM
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