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Mary's Japan Blog
Wednesday, 2 June 2004
Kobu Teacher's Volleyball
Mood:  bright
This afternoon one of the P.E. teachers casually asked me if i'd like to play volleyball this evening. I thought he meant play with the kids. That was a bit too intimidating to me (actually, i thought they might seriously injure me, or that i'd injure myself! Hah). I politely declined, but said that i'd love to see them play. He indicated that it was a competition between another Jr. High and ours. This should be really fun so i pedaled on home and had some dinner and pedaled on back. Much to my surprise it was actually a game between Kobu senseis and Kamikoshien senseis. What a thrill. These teachers after teaching all day long played so hard. Of course our team won both games. We have some very athletic and a few really TALL teachers at our school. We had two teachers who could really slam it over a net that i couldn't reach the top of even if i jumped with all my might. It amazes me how much communication that i miss even when we are trying our hardest. Now i know that this competition will continue through the next few months. Kobu's team won the All- City tournament last year, so i think that i will have to be a part of the cheering section from now on. Go Team Go. Fight Team Fight. Ganbate!

Posted by maryinjapan at 12:11 AM
Updated: Friday, 4 June 2004 7:44 PM
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