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Mary's Japan Blog
Monday, 14 June 2004
Post Office Challenge
Mood:  mischievious
So i go to the post office to send a package for an anniversary gift. I decide that it would be nice to have the note that i wrote arrive at the same time; so i taped it to the package. The post office lady was totally befuddled. She called over a manager and they decided after much discussion that it would cost me almost $40 to send. I then asked how much the package would cost if the letter was not attached. Answer: "About $20." So i ripped off the envelope and readdressed the package. The package was $20 and the letter was $1. This is just a small hint of the tiny frustrations that can really build up here in Japan. I keep telling myself, "Think like a duck! Just let it keep rolling off you!" and, of course, just laugh!

Posted by maryinjapan at 4:23 PM
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