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Mary's Japan Blog
Sunday, 28 March 2004
Mood:  special
Well, this is going to be a long entry, folks.

This is the first time for both Frankie and i on the famous Bullet Train, shinkansen. Its top speed is 200 miles/hour, wow. No problem getting to Osaka on the regular train and a transfer to the shinkansen. It's a bit nerve wracking making sure that we get on the right car. We have reserved seats, it stops, we load very, very quickly, and we're off. I take a little movie with my digital camera to record how fast we are going. From the inside it looks and feels like we're on a plane. The seats and tray tables and the "stewardesses" rolling a cart down the aisle are just the same. No seatbelts are required though. It's a smooth ride and in 1.5 short hours and maybe 2 or 3 stops we are there.

It's a short walk to our hotel where we stash our bags. We are in early and can't check into the room until the afternoon. We intentionally got to Hiroshima by 10:30am so that we would have a full day to sightsee. First on the agenda is a stop at Starbucks to have a cup and get ready to do some exploring. We have a tourist sheet with a "walking guide" of Hiroshima and it is well planned out. It's a 15-minute walk along a river to the Castle. Then another 15 minutes to another park. We wind our way through gardens and stroll down wide lanes with very little traffic and tourists. This is surprising since we had a hard time booking a hotel because everything was full for this school spring break. I am very glad that it took us a few hours strolling and relaxing before we came upon the Dome. It gave me time to get ready for this experience. The Atomic Dome is a powerful, emotional sight. I was expecting that it would hit me hard, but i managed to maintain my composure. There are monuments everywhere in the park to different groups of people who died from the A-bomb. The mood is NOT depressing. Surprisingly, every monument, every thing written that i see is focused on the future and what we can do to NEVER HAVE THIS HAPPEN AGAIN. The message is peace and no more war. That sounds good to me. We find the Children's Peace Memorial. This is a statue in memory of Sadako, a 13 year old girl who died of leukemia 10 years after the bomb hit Hiroshima. She believed that if she folded 1,000 cranes that she would get better. It didn't work, unfortunately for her. It did inspire her fellow students to fold cranes after her death. The idea began to form to build a monument for all the children who perished because of the A-bomb. Somehow the message spread and before people realized what was happening - cranes and dollars were streaming in from all over the world. The monument was built and now one of those "i want to do this before i die" dreams of mine was about to be fulfilled. I had folded some cranes before i left. We folded more on the shinkansen on the way to Hiroshima and we would continue to fold some in our hotel room. We finally placed them in one of the weather proof sheds around the monument on Monday before we returned to Nishinomiya. This was a very moving and significant act for me. I feel more dedicated than ever to focus the rest of my life on peace, nonviolence and an end to nuclear weapons and war.

As we made our way towards the Museum we discovered the reflecting pond and "eternal flame." I had read that it isn't really eternal. It will be extinguished on the day that the last nuclear weapon is dismantled. Then we saw the Cenotaph. It contains a stone chest housing a register of those known to have died of exposure to the A-bombing. This is a simple granite arch that frames it all. As you stand in front of this arch you can see through it the reflecting pond with the flame and the Dome behind that. I was taken by surprise by the emotion that swept over me as i viewed the destruction and hope of a new world so simply framed in one single sight. I wish that George Bush and all his cronies and all the leaders in the world who think that they are going to solve problems by blowing people up could stand in front of this arch. I wish that they could come and walk through this park and experience that feeling of peace and hope of a new way of living. I wish that they could walk through the museum and see the images of bodies with skin and clothes dripping off of children and read the accounts of people's stories not only of that day but of the radiation poisoning that lingers on and makes this horrible experience continue for years and years in people's lives.

I hope that you will click on the hot link and take the time to read the letter from the Mayor of Hiroshima. A new one is written every year to the leaders of the world pleading for peace and the end of nuclear weapons.
Peace Declaration

So on a lighter note:
Q: When is an air conditioner not an air conditioner?
A: When you are in Japan.

Frankie and i finally checked into our hotel room late in the evening. It was roasting hot on the 9th floor. No windows to open, they are all sealed shut. We played with the air conditioner controls but nothing stopped the stream of hot air blowing into our room. I went downstairs to try in my broken Japanese to plead for some cool air. It was very clear that the air conditioning didn't come on until the weather gets much hotter. They did assure me that they would turn the heater down. We roasted through the entire night. In the morning I called and complained again that we were miserable. The man at the desk asked if the air conditioner was still turned on. Why, yes, it was. Well, that controls the heater in the winter and since i had left the knob in the "on" position - the heat continued to blow. If I'd just turn the air conditioner off the heat would stop! Well, duh! What do i know?

Miyajima and photo opportunities
Miyajima is an island very close to Hiroshima. The Tori or Floating Gate is one of the three most photographed sites in Japan. Luckily we had done our homework and timed our visit when the tide was in. Later that evening, it wasn't nearly as spectacular when the tide was out and the gate stood in mud! From Hiroshima you take a train to a station within walking distance of the dock where the ferry takes you to the island. This is really set up for tourists and was a cinch to figure out. The ferry ride was about 20 minutes long. Gorgeous views both ways of the island, gate and Hiroshima skyline. Of course, Frankie and i wanted to hike to the top of the mountain. Her knees are hurting a bit and she is planning to run a marathon next week so we are a bit concerned about how much hiking to do. Downhill hiking is a killer on knees. After getting lost for a while we had to hike back down to the bottom and try again. Of course it keeps getting later when you get lost. Hunger got the better of us, and we stopped in the village for the most yummy okonomiyaki that i've had yet. We sat at a bar that is right next to the big grill where we watched the cook spread batter on the grill just like for a crepe. Then cabbage is stacked high on the pancake. Then a couple of pieces of bacon are added to the top of the heap along with spices and dried salmon flakes and more. Then more batter is lightly poured over the whole thing. Somehow he manages to flip this huge thing. The cabbage cooks down and when it's done some kind of sauce that looks a lot like BBQ sauce but doesn't taste as strong is brushed on top and then a mayonnaise spread is squirted on top. It is sooo yummy.

So now we have plenty of energy to head out up the hill again. With our map - that doesn't seem to work for us - we head out with the plan of getting to the top and then hopping on a tram for the trip down to save on Frankie's poor knees. The hike up reminds me of Yosemite. Steps, steps, and more steps and some gravelly paths that we are so glad that we are not going to have to walk back down. When we get to an overlook with some incredible views, Frankie asks the simple question: "What time is it?" There is a sinking feeling in our stomaches as we notice the sun getting lower in the sky. We hurry over to a little coffee hut and ask directions to the tram, oh, and by the way, "What time is the last trip down?" "Sumimasen. It leaves in 5 minutes and there is no way that you can catch it. It's too far away."

Ok, so we are more than a little disappointed and worried about Frankie's knees. She is a real trooper and never once complained. We took a different route that turned out to be much easier although a bit longer. Whew. We get back down as everything in the village is closing and the ferry ride back is almost in the dark. The city lights are quite a treat at the end of a long day. We're happy!
Shopping rounds out our trip and a bit more sightseeing in a warm, friendly, positive, well planned city. Frankie is a great traveling companion and i'm hoping for a few more adventures with her in the future.

If you'd like to view some photos, I should have them up on my website shortly. Just click on the link below.
Mary's 2004 website

Posted by maryinjapan at 1:53 AM
Updated: Monday, 12 April 2004 12:17 AM
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Tuesday, 23 March 2004
Our last English Class
Mood:  blue
Monday, March 22nd
Frankie, John and I have been teaching a Monday evening English class to 25 adults from Nishinomiya. This was our last night. We have our regular lesson followed by a "graduation" ceremony. We're down to about 20 adults now but that isn't bad! Many of our students managed to come every single time. Their English has really improved, I think. We're tired but we are pretty much obliged to bicycle off to a "graduation/goodbye" dinner. The restaurant is close to the train station near our apartment - so that is nice. We're upstairs in a tatami room. Very cozy. So much food, but so good. Lots of pictures taken and a good time is had by all. Amazing how recharged a person can get when sharing food, beer and joy with such an enthusiastic group.

Posted by maryinjapan at 10:19 PM
Updated: Saturday, 10 April 2004 8:15 PM
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Sunday, 21 March 2004
Traditional Japanese Dance
Mood:  bright
Fujima style Japanese dance.

One of the ladies at the Sogo Center, our main office, gives me free tickets every once in awhile. These tickets were too good to pass up. They were 5,000 yen each so I asked my friend Miki if she wanted to go. She was thinking of having her husband come and so called the number on the ticket to try to purchase an extra one for him. Miki told the woman that she had never been to a traditional Japanese dance like this. The woman was so impressed that she sent Miki two more free tickets! So I invited another teacher friend, Reiko. Atsuo, Miki's husband, couldn't make it so it was just we 3 girls. The theatre is in Osaka and is a Bunraku Theatre, a form of puppet theatre but this was a special performance of students of the Fujima style of dancing. I have to describe just a bit of the dancing but you really had to be there. One of the dances was a Spring Blossom dance. Paper petals floated down from the ceiling onto the stage. The little girl appeared to be about 12 years old to me. I was told later that this was a woman dancing this role. She sure fooled me! Traditional Japanese instruments accompanied the dancers. Sometimes I really enjoyed the music and sometimes it was very foreign to me - almost Tibetan or Chinese. One of my favorite dances was a story about a husband and wife quarreling. The baby is upset that they are angry and the grandmother tries to intervene. Now, realize that I'm just guessing on all this because even Miki and Reiko who are native speakers couldn't understand the words! Anyway, the husband and wife, we think were supposed to represent thunder and lightning - a very stormy dance. There were another few dances that involved what is called "hyagawari" a man slips in backstage of a dancer and pulls some strings on her kimono and with one swift jerk, voila, her kimono is ripped off to reveal a second colorful kimono underneath. Now that was impressive! One kimono would be hot. I can't imagine dancing in two layers of all that material on stage. Plus the material around her waist never moves. There was a dance involving a sake god, I think, and a lion with red, yellow and white streamers that reminded me of a Chinese dance. There were two spectacular dancers in orange costumes with flowing red wigs. Not sure who they were supposed to be but wow were they colorful! I just kept thinking about all my dancing buddies who would have loved this performance. Lucky me.

Saturday, March 20th
Lasagne for my Japanese friends

I got brave and made lasagna for two of my favorite Japanese families today. Sasaki sensei is one of my all-time favorite English teachers. He is also the coach of the Hamakoshien baseball team that I've written so much about. He has two young boys and it was a pleasure to have him and his wife and kids to dinner. Also, I've written about the Osawa's in the past. They have three boys; two are twins, and a girl as well - big family. Taku was at English camp this summer, and we hit it off from the start. He is a very determined boy who really loves speaking English. Taku and his twin brother, Shin, are in baseball club, so I watched them play many games last year. Mr. Osawa is a baseball fanatic and every game that I went to I was happy to visit with Tamie, his wife and him. I was a bit nervous fixing a dinner for 5 adults and 5 kids but I think that everyone enjoyed themselves. Tamie brought some wonderful hors d'oeuvres so I didn't have to worry about that. There weren't many leftovers and I ended up with a bottle of sake so that ain't bad, eh?

Posted by maryinjapan at 12:03 AM
Updated: Sunday, 11 April 2004 11:56 PM
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Monday, 15 March 2004
Bangladesh food in Japan
Mood:  hungry
Sunday is a "light jacket" day! Yahoo. It feels a little warm in the sunshine and that is wonderful. I went to a cooking class today with my friend, Didik. Our friend, Siddique-san was the teacher. He taught us to make two different types of curries from Bangladesh. Also a red lentil dish that consists of mashed red lentils mixed with shredded cabbage, spices and a bit of flour. Then this thick mixture is spooned into hot oil and deep-fried. Wow, what a taste sensation! We had 6 cooking stations of about 5-6 people at each station. We cooked all our own food. What fun. My group had two women who spoke very good English. One is in a "language club" and she has studied a little of 10 different languages. The other woman is an English teacher at both elementary and junior high levels. We had much in common, and i hope to see them again. I gave out all my name cards again. It's a bit overwhelming having so many people wanting to have dinner or lunch with me to practice their English. I give them my card and encourage them to email me. If they email, then i put them on my email list and will invite them to a party at my apartment. I can't possibly go to all the dinners that I'm invited to. I'd weigh 200 pounds before i leave Japan!

Posted by maryinjapan at 12:25 AM
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Thursday, 11 March 2004
My Brother is A Funny Guy
Mood:  silly
Here is my brother's reply to a birthday present that I sent him recently:

Mary: "Did you get my package?"
Brother: "Yes indeed I did! The little toys are cute And the whistle candies are a hoot! The kamikaze cigarets are weird. I tried to eat one with the paper on. I guess that's not right... Then I came to the little girl with the foil pouches. First I thought it was some sort of pez thing that I couldn't work so I was going to eat the candies in the foil pouches. After a closer examination of the box I discovered that there was a picture of a toy similar to the little girl. In the picture the toy was jumping up and down and waving its hands. Well that's weird... Pez dispensers don't wave their hands or jump up and down! What the heck is going on here??? Maybe I'd better not eat it! Well I finally got the little girl to come apart and then it became apparent that you are to trap the little pill from the foil pouch into the little girls head. Then I guessed you dipped her in water because it just sat on the table and looked at me. After dipping her in a glass of water she did indeed jump up and down but I never saw her raise her hands. Then there's the little bottle of beads..... What to do..... Should I eat them? I'm not sure. Ok the label has a picture of an almost naked girl with clam shells on her boobs. The label says, "Enjoy Your Life," and P?agra. What does that mean??? I also saw bubbles around the girl so I thought maybe it's bubble bath... I dropped some in the water glass left over from the little girl experiment and they just faded the color off and sat there. I wasn't sure where to go from there. I'm still not. Am I supposed to eat the darn things or take a bath in them? Or do they have some other purpose I haven't even guessed yet?"

So maybe this gives you a bit of an idea what my day to day life is in Japan!

Friday, March 12th
Graduation Day for san nenseis
More later.

Posted by maryinjapan at 8:23 PM
Updated: Monday, 15 March 2004 12:32 AM
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Monday, 8 March 2004
A Kick in the Pants, NOT!
Mood:  irritated
I don't know the whole story, but from what i gather there was a crowd of boys outside one of the bathrooms this morning. One of my favorite men teachers probably got in some kind of discussion with them. One of the boys came up from behind and kicked him in the pants! It doesn't appear to have injured more than his pride if that. There doesn't seem to be any consequences although I just heard that the teacher is reporting the incident to the police. The boy doesn't have a mother it seems and his father "is not such a good father." Later in the day this same boy did a jump kick right at a woman teacher's face. Wow, I can't help but think about what the repercusions would have been in the states.....While in Japan....don't pass judgements. It's difficult sometimes.

Posted by maryinjapan at 7:49 PM
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Another First
Mood:  cool
Monday morning I discovered to my suprise a 1/2 inch of frozen snow on my bicycle seat at 7:30am. I found myself cheerily scraping ice off the seat before I headed for work. I suddenly realized that it was very similar to scraping my windshield in Spokane, but this is a much smaller area! hah.

Posted by maryinjapan at 7:43 PM
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Saturday, 6 March 2004
It's Snowing!
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Is it spring yet?
What a great weekend to have food poisoning! As i look out the window it looks like i'm in one of those glass balls that you shake up and the snow just whirls around inside. It's been snowing off and on all day and i'm as cozy as a bug in a rug. This is the second case of food poisoning since I've been in Japan. I guess that's not too bad since I'll try anything once and there's so much to try.

I've learned to lay low and drink lots of fluids. Chicken broth and yogurt and ginger work wonders and time is the best healer. It's actually so relaxing to have nothing to do except look out the window and watch nature do her thing. I'm reading many different books. "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword" is an interesting study of Japanese culture done in the mid 40's. It's giving me fascinating insights into the traditions that i'm experiencing here. It has helped put a few pieces of the puzzle together. Just finished Ursula LeGuinn's "The Telling" which is great sci fi about book burning in the future (always a good thought provoking theme). I'm reading Pat McManus for a few healthy, healing laughs. Then there's a book on Shin Buddhism that is a bit meaty, and I take it up only when i can digest it. Genji is a "manga" (comic book style) of an ancient Japanese love story. I'm so happy to have discovered kid's comics written in English. This gives me a chance to peer into a bit of the fantasy world of the kids here.
So it's time for chicken soup and i've rented "The Two Towers" to veg out on tonight. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Is it spring yet?

Posted by maryinjapan at 8:46 PM
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Wednesday, 3 March 2004
Mood:  cool
Mary's Webpage

Posted by maryinjapan at 10:52 AM
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Tuesday, 2 March 2004
Broken Mirror
Now Playing: Unlucky
I'm walking down the hall talking to about four 3rd grade boys. Light, funny, laughing. When out flys a foot and there goes the hall mirror. It's about 4-5 feet tall. I'm guessing, at least, a $100 mirror. Not excusing him, but I think that he was just kicking randomly at the wall. He sure looked surprised to see the mirror crack in half. I think this is the same kid that came in yesterday with bloodied knuckles. Interesting to watch these kids.

Posted by maryinjapan at 5:48 PM
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