Ichinenseis, first graders, Welcoming Ceremony
We need to learn about this in the states!
More parents with lots of electronic gear to record the big move up to junior high are here. These kids have already been here months ago for a tour of the whole facility. The kids are all assembled in an outside courtyard this morning. Banners with their names are hung on the windows and there is a lot of excitement again to discover new classmates and new teachers. These kids come from three different elementary schools so lots of kids know each other. There are 4 sections of about 35 kids each for a total of about 140 new students. Some big wigs from administration are here. Kocho sensei, the principal, is so handsome in his tux with tails. The PTA are always here and today one of them is even in kimono. i have been instructed to wear my best clothes. Dark colors are a must. My long black skirt and white blouse, i think, are ok for the occasion. Kids line up enthusiastically and march off to their homeroom class for instructions about the ceremony. Within less than an hour we are assembled in the gym. The brass band is playing, and the kids are marched in one class at a time. The 2nd and 3rd graders are seated in the back. Kobu teachers are seated on the left facing them. Administrators including some of their former elementary teachers and principals are seated on the right facing them. Administrators are introduced one at a time and each gives a brief speech. Each student's name is called and each student stands and is recognized. More speeches and then the singing of the school song is sung before they are finally marched out of the gym and off to class. I can't help thinking about how clear it is that these kids are cared for and welcomed with open arms to junior high. They are still self-conscious to be sure, but what a contrast to U.S. junior high that i've experienced. I remember back in Spokane there were kids hiding behind tables because they were so afraid. I don't remember any big whoop dee doo to welcome our kids and make them feel special. I felt that they were treated more like numbers and herded like cattle. Instead of eating in a cafeteria with 100's of kids everyday, these junior high kids will eat with the same 30-40 kids in a quiet atmosphere - well, maybe not that quiet! These kids will take a school trip together overnight - all the kids with just their teachers during the year. They also will do a one-week "Trial Week" experience working in a real life work site provided through connections from the parents and business in the community. I can't wait to see that happen. I've seen pictures on the wall but it will be fun to observe this in person this spring.
New staff Welcoming Party
After a full day of school it's off to our traditional Welcoming Party. Ours is being held at a local Chinese restaurant, not too far from my apartment. Dinner is at 6:30pm. We are all seated at circular tables and one new staff is seated at each table so we get a chance to mingle. Facts about the new staff have been gathered during the day. Through the dinner our MC reads off these facts and staff have to guess who he is talking about. Then that person gets up and gives a little speech to the group. I don't have any idea what the others say so i just speak from the heart in very simple words. My speech begins with a heartfelt: "I love Japan!" This is the entire staff including teachers, administrators, janitors and cafeteria folks. The food keeps coming and coming and coming. I am so full i'm afraid my bike tires will burst when i ride back home. I've been introduced to the Chinese version of sake. It's called louchou or something like that. It's served in a teapot like vessel and it's dark, warm and smooth. Amazingly, i like it. I really try to pace myself with beer and sake flowing. It helps that we've got so much food in our stomaches. This is "ichiji kai," the first stop of the night. (1, 2, 3 ... ichi, ni, san)
Oh, my gosh. I love karaoke! Am I becoming Japanese?
The second traditional stop "niji kai" is karaoke. The last few parties that i've gone to i've been too sick and/or tired to go, but this is the night that i will get initiated into karaoke. Luckily one of the English teachers, Yamada sensei, decided to accompany me or i would have been the only woman. Karaoke is so different here than what i've experienced in the states. The rooms are sound proof and ours has just enough seats for our size group. There are about 8 of us. There are thick catalogs that we can thumb through and pick out our favorite hits. There are hits from the 50's, 60's, and so on. Mostly Japanese songs but quite a few American singers and bands but most songs are not familiar to me. There are a lot of Carpenters tunes! Hah. We decide that it's probably that the royalties are too high for the most popular tunes. That explains why so many oldies are so popular in Japan. That's all they can get in the karaoke parlors. I get to sing a medley of Elvis tunes, which was really fun. The older guys love the old time crooning songs and i learned some of the Japanese songs a bit because I can at least read some of the hiragana but not the kanji. The younger guys introduced me to some of the more popular Japanese tunes - some of which I actually recognize - and can sing along. In the meantime the beer keeps coming. Wow, can these guys drink! They are still going strong at 10pm and it takes another half hour to get out the door. I'm home by 11pm but i'm sure the party continued probably on to "sanji kai"
Thurs. April 8th
This day is dedicated somewhat to preparing to welcome the new first graders (7th grade to us) tomorrow. Classrooms are cleaned again and the gym set up for them. I can't believe how meticulous the Japanese can be. The gym floor is laid out in exact straight lines with the exact number of chairs for each of 4 sections of 1st graders. There are 8 kids taking chairs and individually lining each chair up with a tape measure stretched between 2 boys. Each row the boys move the tape measure to a new mark on the sidelines so that the distance between any two chairs is exactly the same. In about 20 minutes it's all laid out for tomorrow. Amazing. Our janitors at home would have taken 1/2 a day setting it up and it wouldn't have been nearly as perfect. (No offense to janitors out there!)
Lunch with the Kobu teachers.
Chinese restaurant.
New taste sensation: beebinba, something close to that pronunciation. It's a stone bowl that is heated to super hot temperature. Then a rice and veggie concotion is added to it and a raw egg on top of the whole thing. It hot stone bowl is served sizzling on a wooden platter. You stir the whole thing till everything is cooked and the rice is a bit crispy on the bottom from the hot stone. yummy! Just don't get too carried away stirring and grab the hot bowl. ouch.
Posted by maryinjapan
at 12:04 PM
Updated: Monday, 12 April 2004 12:37 AM