Here is the first sight i saw driving in from the airport. Bumper to bumper traffic with guys running up to your window when
the traffic came to a halt. They were selling everything from candy to fruit to battery cables. A bit overwhelming.
I was totally amazed that most folks here like Mr. Bush. They appreciate any money from the US and admire military might.
Ah, well, i kept my "peace-nik" mouth shut on that issue.
This is my personal guide, Muba, recommended to me by my hotel. I was pretty nervous about wandering the streets of DAR alone.
Muba helped me find a bank to get my traveller's checks cashed and the money safely back to the safe at the Safari Inn.
He also took me for a tour of the city.
An African version of our Native American totem poles.
This was in front of the Tanzanian National Museum.
Here's the red metal gates that i had to pass through to get down the dirt alley to the entrance to the Safari Inn.
There's an armed guard inside the gate after dark.
This is my pillow in my room at the Safari Inn.
My perspective changed quickly when i discovered that my $8/night room included an internet cafe with a phone modem that
allowed me to call my folks for 4 cents a minute!
Also, these guys kept a good watch of all their clients and kept our keys when we left the hotel to make sure we all got
back in one piece by the end of the day. Nice to have someone watching out for us.