Up, up, and away.
Brit, Chris 1, me, and Chris 2.
The Marangu Route, nicknamed the "Coca Cola" route is the most popular route and, some say, the easiest - technically.
It's just a long, long walk up to the summit.
The hike begins in rainforest as we trek through mist and dripping leaves the first day.
Our first night is at Mandara Hut at 9,000 feet.
As we gain in altitude the terrain gets drier and the vegetation sparser.
Our porters carry our sleeping bags. The huts are furnished with solar lights, mattress pads, and pillows.
The terrain turns to high desert as we reach Horombo Hut at 12,340 feet for our second night's sleep.
Kibo Hut is our 3rd stop for only 3 hour's sleep before our attempt at the long, hard climb to the top.
Altitude: 15,520 feet.
Here's my weary buddies. We are all suffering from some altitude sickness. Headache and nausea are common effects.
We will get up at 11:30pm for our final grunt to the top.
After a 6 hour climb in the dark, Brit and Chris 1 and 2 make it to the top.
They still have another 8 hour's hike down the mountain to complete this day.
That's 14 hours of hiking time at high altitude on 3 hour's of sleep!
At 11:30pm i decide not to attempt the summit and go back to sleep while my buddies make it to the top.
I am suffering from exhaustion, and a bad case of diarrhea.
I am happy to take their proud picture as they exit through the Marangu gate the next day.