Harukase Elementary School |
Where's Spot Lesson
Read about Mon. Nov. 17th!
I met this teacher at an Elem. School teacher's workshop in August. She asked me to do an audio tape of "Where's
Spot?" for her third grade kids. They really liked it and made their own books and even a puppet play. She had to invite
me to her class because they really wanted to meet me in person. We did a lesson together. I read the book and they
shared theirs with me. They sang me songs and a fun time was had by all.
Love those electronic translators |
The view outside our restaurant window |
Yet another trip to Kyoto with my friend Miwa (a teacher at Hamakoushien - where I'm teaching). I met Miwa's two
friends, Akemi and Tomoko, on this trip. Akemi went to school in Kyoto in years past and so was a wonderful guide for
our trip.
Ouch |
What they do to these trees! |
Our First Tea Ceremony
I saw these at a Kyoto street market.
Yes, they are over 250,000 yen!
That's a small size lemon in the package -
I think that they throw that in for free.
It's a Pumpkin Pie Party!
I couldn't believe that some of my Japanese friends had never had a real pumpkin pie. You can read more about this party
in my journal.
Hiking, running and teacher friends |
Here's a peak at my kitchen too. |
DJ for the night |
Yes, that's my bed. |