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Mary in Japan

After a little frustration with my Visa accidently being sent back to Japan before I left Spokane, we arrived in Osaka, Kansai airport on Thurs. July 31st at 3:30pm. That was a total of 17 hours travel time.
What a wonderful surprise to find our "digs" so spacious. I'm on the third floor and it's a bit hot up here but there's an air conditioner in my bedroom, which will cool off the dining room/study as well if I keep everything else closed off.

We only had two days before we were off to English Camp for a fun filled weekend with 37 junior high kids from all over Nishinomiya.

Group C Rules
So, call me biased!

Santo English Camp

English Camp Hike
So, I thought there wasn't any green in Japan, WRONG!

We hiked to a waterfall behind the camp. Lovely.

On our waterfall hike.

Yes, there are frogs in Japan. Kids love them here too.

Camp Cookout
These kids can cook too.

The kids were in three groups and had to start the fire and cook the food themselves. The teachers group was the last to finish cooking!