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8/03 cont.
Mary in Japan


So here's some more of what the first month brought us here in Japan.

Our first home cooked meal in Japan.
Yuho & Yuena and their grandma.

David and I met these little girl's parents, Yuko and Yoshiki, at a restaurant while eating lunch. The kids were just charming and after a lunchtime chat, we were invited home for dinner. Yuko drove to our apartment a few weeks later and drove us to their place for dinner. What a treat!

David and his Japanese "daughter" and friends
We found our way to Costco!

Costco looks just like it does in the states except there's a few items that you probably wouldn't see back there like maybe large packages of dried fish and large bottles of wasabi paste.

Nishinomiya Botanical Gardens

What can I say? I think that I will be spending some time in Japanese gardens. They are gorgeous. I discovered that Morning Glories are a real passion around here. The colors and varieties are incredible. It poured rain on us this day so not too many photos.