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My Running Route
Mary in Japan


Follow me on my routine run.

Here's my apartment
I'm on the third floor on the left.

Beware of gutters
I rue the day I'm daydreaming and fall into one of these.

Shinto Shrine
Hirota Jinja Shrine

Past the ....
Do It Yourself Store

Enter content here

Family Mart
This leads me to the river

This route has very little traffic.  The scenery is lovely and there's enough of a climb up to the cemetery to make it a bit challenging.

This is the first Buddha to greet me
at the entrance to the cemetery

Some of these monuments
seem ancient

Welcome to the
Shukagawa River Park

River Coi


I'm running all the way to the ocean now, and there will be photos to follow this route as soon as the weather gets warmer.
It's about an hour loop for me.
It will be glorious in another month.

There are a number of reasons that I love to run.
  • Feelin' good.  The endorphins kick in and, even when I'm feeling a bit down and blue, I always feel much better after a run.  This is a major blessing here in Japan.  I have blown off frustrations and fear on many a run here. 
  • I run to eat.  With all the yummy food, I really need a way to burn off some extra calories.  I have a terrible time walking past a French pastry shop without buying at least some little yummy snack. My favorite right at the moment are little cream puffs for just 100 yen.  Also, the walnut bread is very delicious.  There are a number of breads with sweet beans and yams in them that also are very difficult to resist.
  • Sleep tight.  A good run always helps me sleep better.
  • Sometimes I can't get the old wheels to stop spinning in the brain.  A good long run helps clear out the worry and stops the recycling of stinking thinking.

So there's just a few of the reasons.