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This is the season to travel and enjoy the scenery and hikes.
The weather is not too hot and not too cold, the humidity isn't too bad yet.
The leaves are new and fresh.
The water is running in the streams and all is right with the world.

Hiking to Minoo Falls


Miki, Takemura-san, and Yoshie


Yoshie was one of my English students.
Her family took me on this most beautiful hike.
This is our lovely lunch BEFORE the monkey attack.


This is the adorable monkey that literally landed on Miki's back.
I never thought that I would drop-kick a monkey, but when I had a monkey in front and in back of me, that's exactly what I did.
We packed up that lunch quickly and scrammed!



Read all about the Minoo, monkey-on-the-back hiking trip.

Mary's BLOG

Yet another Hamakoshien Baseball game.


Tamie and i on the ferry going over to Awaji Island for a championship game.


They lost this one, but it still was mighty close and exciting.


One of my favorite English teachers and an awesome baseball coach.
I am so very lucky that i will be teaching with him again at his new school in October.


The Osawa kids.
It was a long day and Taku and Shin travelled and played yesterday as well!
I am sorry that I missed taking a picture of Dad. He is the greatest too.
I love these guys.


Of course the boys were disappointed but also releived that they didn't have to go back the next day and play a final game.

Mary's BLOG

Click on the link above and scroll to MAY 4TH to read about the game.

Fire Ceremony at Mt. Hiei.


Check out May 16th in my BLOG for the full story of the marathon monks and my day with my teacher/friend, a woman Buddhist Tendai monk who took me to Hiei-san.

Trial Week
This is an incredible tradition.
All 2nd graders do a week's work in the community.


Each 2nd grader "applied" to work at a job that she/he was interested in.
Kindergarten was popular with the girls.


This girl is working in a hospital helping senior citizens.


Grocery stores were popular places to work for both boys and girls.


Wow, can you imagine being a 13-year old and being allowed to work in a premie ward?

Ajisai - hydrangea

Just can't get enough of the flowers.
